Well, I have not posted for a long while — at least not here. Massive attack of the electrons, possibly a zombie attack!
And listen:
Well no, not at all. Even out here in the boondocks — the Highland Lakes of Central Texas — we have guys AND gals and young-uns as well as old farts. Granted, there are more old guys than of the other combinations but that’s changing. Continue reading
I found an interesting, and in-depth paper that has some practical solutions while engaging in an extensive discussion of transmission line and antenna theory. It’s on the http://www.kg4jjh.com/ site where you will find many other project ideas.
It’s not that I don’t like actually TALKING to people, but the ability to make contact with modest antenna systems and very low power has its own appeal. I have a digital page here where I will place more detail about the mode and the programs I am using. Continue reading
(re-posted from my main website) Just as the stream of evacuees from the hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast on Saturday was hitting the outskirts of Marble Falls, a tornado touched down near downtown Bertram. Continue reading
for benefit of copygator.
Brooks Blake and I — and hopefully others from the Highland Lakes Amateur Radio Club and ARES — will be assisting this event January 7-8, 2012. Look for the separate page where the details will grow.
This entry is a good place to let me know if you can participate or have questions.
“When All Else Fails … Amateur Radio Works”
As severe thunderstorms gathered in Concho County to the Northwest of the Highland Lakes, the National Weather Service issued warnings for McCulloch County. Hams in McCulloch County were activated at the McCulloch County EOC and their weather spotters were dispatched. Thunderstorm watches soon ensued for Llano and Burnet counties which resulted in activation of the Burnet County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Continue reading
Posted a long story over at http://captainjustice.net/2010/07/18/marble-falls-tri-athlon/ — put it there so it would post to my Facebook page.
Click on the thumbnail for bigger image. This is APRSIS32 which is undergoing rapid development. For all the details or to download the program go to the Yahoo Groups page.
Right now I’m running it only on the internet … sees same stuff that aprs.fi does. I have also connected two different GPSs to it and that worked, putting my position out via the internet. It can ALSO be connected to a radio in iGate mode. Have not done that yet.
The author, Lynn, KJ4ER, has the goal of replacing all of the best functions in UI-view which is good since it is no longer fully configurable. I suggest giving it a try and keeping in touch with the progress.