CQ CQ CQ CCQ CQ CQ de W9UVZ W9UVZ pse K W9UVZ W9UVZ de KA5GIL KA5GIL kn KA5GIL de W9UVZ W9UVZ thank you for answering my call. Name is Richard QTH Vista CA How copy? W9UVZ de KA5GIL Hi Richard, name hre is Gil. You are stronger than raw onions here in Central Texas, just NW of Austin. K KA5GIL de W9UVZ Hello, Guilford. here's my layout Name Richard QTH Vista CA (near San Diego) Grid Square DM1kje Software is MixW 3.1 Signalink USB Transceiver is Yeasu FTdx1200 Antenna Hex Beam 30 feet up Computer Dell MS 8.1 Ham license since 1953 Age 84 I don't usually send qsl cards unless someone aends me one by mail. . It's been raining outside here all morning.... something very unusual.... Bk to U KA5GIL de W9UVZ k W9UVZ de KA5GIL very good. Signal holding nicely, here's a bit of my stuff ... Stats and Stuff Age 71, retired trial court judge, now mediating cases Rig IC-7000 Pwr 40watts or less Ant 34 ft vertical, trailer is the counterpoise hi hi OS Windows 7 on Netbook Soft Fldigi 3.22.08 Web www.ka5gil.captainjustice.net Actually, I see that some of that needs to be updated, like the antenna, hi hi Rainy here as well.But we can't get it in the right place to fill our lakes. Big drought going on here. BTW where is Vista btu Richard W9UVZ de KA5GIL kn KA5GIL de W9UVZ Your signal is pouring in up here also. A court judge... how abt that! I was a parochial school teacher in Wisconsin for 43 years. I moved to CA about 2 years ago. The xyl died about 4 years ago and I had a couple of kids living in this area, so I decided to move out here.. It's worked out very well. I like to golf and here I can golf every day. (unless it's raining!) KA5GIL de W9UVZ It's a good thing you are not out here then ... I should drag out my Kayak. I have (had) a lot of teachers in my family. My grandmother in particular who taught 3-4 generations of some families here in Marble Falls where I live now. Teaching is tougher in some ways now. Part of my court work included juveniles so many teachers and i got pretty close and ganged up on the kids to try to make them make better choices. kn KA5GIL de W9UVZ How would you like to be on the supeem court right now and decide if two men can get married Or, if a woman gets an abortion does she have to go to jail KA5GIL de W9UVZ W9UVZ de KA5GIL hi hi ... or if a transgender person who was a guy can now go into the women's restroom ... or what to do with someone who claims to be genderless! No thanks. Too weird and I have some pretty firm ideas that all of that stuff is nonsense perpetrated by people who don't have enough to do. Actually, I was often asked if I would like to be on the SCt, or some appellate court, and the answer was alwasy no because i like the action of the trial court. de KA5GIL k KA5GIL de W9UVZ When I first started teaching, I had 35 kids and all eight grades in a coutry school. As I look back on it now, I can't imagine how I did it, butat the time, I just said it was my job and I went ahead and did it the best I could.... Later, I taught in the city of Appleton Wi and just had 5th grade...although at that time kids were so plentiful that some years i had 40 or more kids in my room.... I have no regrets... it was a good life and fortunately I still have good enough health to enjoy golfing ext... KA5GIL de W9UVZ k W9UVZ de KA5GIL That's marvelous. I can't imagine how fast you had to switch your mind around among 35 kids across 8 grades. That had to be multi-tasking on steroids. My GM talked about her first school out it West Texas. She lived in a dugout attached to a rancher's house and rode 6 miles across the grassy prairie to a one-room school. I don't recall her saying, but I'll bet she did not have but a handful of students. I have a lot of hobbies but gave up golf some time ago. Figured out why I was not doing better ... I was standing too close to the golf course! hi hi de KA5GIL k KA5GIL de W9UVZ well, I grew up in ND and my school was in the country and we had 12 kids in it. So that gave me ideas as how it was done. The 8th graders helped teach the younger ones and so on... I have my little puppy sitting on my lap right now.. she thinks that it's the most comfortable place in the house. KA5GIL de W9UVZ kw9uvz de ka5gil ... funny about the puppy. we have a couple of dogs and i am mostly a dog person. But we have this one cat that does the same thing. And if my lap is full, she leaps from the floor to the back of my chair and lands with a thud that scares the hell out of me if I did not know she was back there. She's taken to hanging around me a lot and we can't figure out why. It has sure been good to visit with you. I don't want to hang so long as to let the band frop on us. It's been a real pleasure, Richard. I appreciate a genuine QSO for a change. de KA5GIL k W9UVZ de KA5GIL uh oh ... did I lose you after all? KA5GIL de W9UVZ It does make typing just a bit clumsy. You have a good day, Guilford. tnx I have enjoyed the confersation. I forgot to hit the transmit key, that was the trouble. So, I say 73 to you and thanks a lot. May the Lord bless you and keep you and perhaps we will make contact again sometime. KA5GIL DE W9UVZ I would hope to run across you again, Richard, tnx fer QSO Richard, 73. 5152015 1924Z W9UVZ de KA5GIL sk